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The BVZS Annual Conference

The BVZS Annual Conference is the largest event we host during the year. The BVZS conference will take place at Conference Aston from 22nd-24th November 2024. The conference takes place over 3 days, boasting a wide and diverse range of presentations, round table discussions and masterclasses, as well as scientific posters and sponsor stands. There are multiple networking opportunities including Friday night mixers and the Saturday evening social dinner. It is during the Annual Conference that BVZS holds the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Members are invited to participate with presenting talks.

Learn more about this years conference
BVZS Conference 2024

Registration open now

This years conference will take place at Aston Centre, Birmingham on 22nd-24th November 2024.
Don’t forget you need to be a member to attend so if you are not already then join the society today.

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Last years conference in Birmingham

Last years conference, held at Conference Aston in Birmingham, was 3 days of great CPD across 4 streams including parallel sessions onZoo Health and Nursing on Friday, Wildlife Health and Exotic pets on Saturday and Exotic pets and students on Sunday. Plenary sessions were held in all streams discussing current topics such as Avian Influenza, the new Secretary of State Standards of Modern Zoo Practice, “360°of Horizon- views, reflections (and opinions) from a small rock near France” and “Vetting off the beaten track”. A packed social programme including a wine and canapes reception with a student-mentor mixer was held on the Friday, our yearly gala dinner on Saturday with a Silent Disco and the societies AGM on the Sunday.

View previous conferences

Photos from previous conferences

Thank you to our sponsors for their ongoing support

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Memberships available for vets, nurses and students.